Good home wanted for abused goldfish...

My poor fish! We have had Freddy the fish for two years this month now but I fear that we will not have him much longer if Charlotte has her way. She is quite frankly killing the fish with love.

I mentioned not too long ago on face book that I walked in to find Charlotte "Stirring" the fish with a spoon and while much reprimanding took place she has been ever since sharing her toys with Freddy. It is not unusual to walk past the fish-bowl and see one her her little mice from her Sylvanian family floating with Freddy or even a couple of my little Ponies sharing the water but today I found no less than twenty-three (yes you read right - TWENTY THREE) objects floating around with the fish. Well I say Floating but in fact they were all crammed tightly together and the fish was lying at the bottom of the bowl unable to move. Everything you see in the picture is what she was "Sharing" with Freddy.

I grabbed her by the hand and brought her over to the bowl where I started to scold her in my Crossest voice. "No Charlotte NO!! You DO NOT share your toys with Freddy. You ARE NOT to put your things in his bowl. That is Freddy's house. That is naughty. NO!!" And she just looked at me (And god but she is gorgeous!) and said in her cutest little girl voice, "Sowwie" and then she just stroked my cheek with her free hand.

My God - even an animal (or fish) rights activist couldn't stay angry with that. So I just gave her a big kiss and said "Okay, pet, okay - just don't do it again" and I got up to walk away and clean the rescued toys. At the door I decided to stop and have a little glance at my darling and I sh*t you not - she was standing in front of the bowl with item number twenty four and PLOP! In it went.

Freddy has to go. I cannot save him.

It has been suggested to me to put the fish on a high shelf but all of our high shelves are in cupboards so we would be condemning Freddy to a life of darkness if we did that(Possibly preferable to a life with Charlotte but no-way to ask him).

So that's the tale of woe - anyone want a traumatised fish with a history of abuse? Fish bowl and fish food included. Anyone? Anyone..........


  1. how about the windowsill in the kitchen? Or put a shelf high on the wall in the playroom. Easy!

  2. Kate - is that where Charlotte should go or the fish?????

  3. Love it!Laughed out loud at item no. 24 going into the bowl!

    Good luck with the blog! :)

  4. don't worry!! the fish wont remember - it only has a four second memory span.....or else he will be repeatedly terrorised every four seconds just as soon as he got over it....hmmmmm


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