This my my first ever venture into the world of blogging. Wow - a chance to talk all about me, me, ME and no-one to interrupt or tell me to shut up. Hmm - the fact that I have no followers yet may be the reason for the resounding silence echoing at me from my PC at present.

All about me - where to start?

I am 34 years old and while my mental age has stayed somewhere around the age of 26 (yes - 26 not 6 for all of you who just snorted with disbelief) the rest of me has started to decline and head south and my grey hairs have recently started multiplying at a ferocious rate which I am finding a tad unsettling at the moment. (Note to self: ring hairdressers for emergency appointment in the morning).

I am married to (in my opinion) the greatest guy in the world and while I don't actually believe in soul mates, if I am wrong and they do exist, then I have definitely found mine (pause for gaking noise....).

As I have elected to stay at home with my babies we currently survive on one wage and while that leaves no money for treats such as clothes, holidays, meals out and more frequent visits to the hair dresser, we console ourselves with the self-opinionated belief that we are giving our children the best start in life whileall the time secretly wishing their childhood would fast forward a few years to when they are at school and I can finally get a job and start to wear clothes without multiple stains on them and clothes that are less than three years old (longer in some cases).

Luckily myself and my hubby get on great and enjoy each others company so all of the staying in isn't really the hardship that we make it out to be (need to moan to other people about random stuff as know aLOT of moaners - it increases our feeling of "fitting in").

On to my two babies whom I am obsessed with!! I am to my shame one of 'those women' who can turn any conversation no matter how inane or obscure around to make it fit in with some hilarious anecdote involving one or both of my children. I am not aware of this while I am doing it but suddenly begin to realise that peoples eyes have glazed over and sometimes there is even a trace of drool around their lips as they have peacefully drifted off into a child free place where I no longer exist and then I am of course overcome with remorse and shame and wishing to God that I had more interesting things to talk about like.... politics say or even religion. However when it comes to politics I am Apathetic - big word which means not interested. I saw it on my good friend Sorcha's Face book page and looked it up in the dictionary (I'm a SAHM- too much time) and was taken with it; glad to have an excuse to use it. And as for religion, I am an atheist which in this county can be worse than talking about the kids.

Hobbies include drama which I used to love but lately has become more like a chore. I don't know if that is because I am just getting lazier or if I just need a break to try and get reinfected by "The bug". I love to read - and write (obviously) and have recently started writing a book based on my childhood experiences in a big, big, loud family - each sibling louder than the next. However, while I try to write a bit every day, I don't know if I will ever finish it and at the moment it is just a hobby more than a goal.

That's me!!! Will try and blog every day. Feel like I am eight again and am keeping a diary.....


  1. Woohoo - very gppd - like reading Marian Keynes, though I do hope your book on our family is not similar to "Rachel's Holiday"!!!

  2. Ha ha - I'll email you it if you like.

    Very nice compliment by the way. I love Marian Keyes. Thought my style was more influenced by Enid Blyton (Have read more of her books throughout my life) but yes - I see the lack of racism and chauvinism there so Marian Keyes it is :)

  3. Nice blog Rachel, I'll definately follow it. Your antics always put a smile on my face

  4. Wonderful idea Rachel! I'll look forward to reading your blogs. I remember Ellis decided our goldfish needed a wash (oh the irony tee hee)with soap. I didn't notice until I came to feed the poor creature later that evening and he was alsmost bald. Ellis must have been about two at the time and naturally very experimental.... like you I shrieked and said NO you musn't do that!! but I couldn't stay mad for long as he was so gorgeous especially when he said sowwry momma :) x

  5. yay! I LOVE this so far!! I am especially interested in your book about your childhood - and simultaneously worried about the impending incriminating material!! (God I know big words too haha). Cant wait to read it ...and the rest of your blog. love your twinny babe xx

  6. Thanks guys. Maria, that is so funny about your son washing the fish. Maybe our fish could get together and start a support group.


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