Lost? Yes I am!

STOP! Do not read any further if you have not already watched the finale of Lost as if you haven't, I am about to ruin it for you.

I am just disgusted at the last episode ever of a show that I loved so much. It is the equivalent to being in a wonderful marriage for the last six years only to discovered that your husband is a lying cheating bastard who you never really knew anyway.

Now I understand why all recent interviews with JJ Abrahams and co. are full of phrases like "Not all questions are going to be answered" and "We have tried to be true to the characters but unfortunately we won't be able to please everyone" and "Of course there will be always be some people who will be disappointed".

What a load of cr*p!!!

Sorry Mr. Abrahams but what a cop out. It is now so clear that you and your writers never had an idea where this story was going and it was simply made up as you went along. Those of us who expected to be rewarded with answers (many, many long-awaited, sought after answers) after watching every episode religiously for six years were pawned off with classic, American, vomit inducing cheesy tripe on toast.

They're all dead? They're all dead? Are you serious? Is that the best you could come up with? And what's worse is that they are all much happier dead than they ever were alive so what the hell was the struggle for survival on the Island about in the first place? Now if I wasn't so annoyed and decided to watch all the episodes back again I would think, let Boon die! Let Shannon die! Let Charlie die! Why are we saving anyone? According to the creators of this story, there is nothing for them in this life anyway. Death would be far more preferable.

And what about answering a few questions so as not to make the entire of the last six years seem completely ridiculous and pointless? Like for example......

Why did 'the others' kidnap all the children from the plane?

Why did they try to take Claire's baby before it was even born?

Why did they kidnap Dannielle's baby for Ben to raise but leave Dannielle alive?

Why did women who were pregnant on the Island all die in their second trimester and did they think that not being able to have their own children justified stealing other peoples and if that was the case then did that make 'the others' good or bad?

Why did Ben and 'the others' gas everyone in the Dharma initiative to death. They had been on the Island for years. What led to them all being exterminated like an infestation of cockroaches?
That leads me to back to this same question again. 'The others' were with Jacob but were they good or bad?

The people from Oceanic 815 were all candidates so why did 'the others' (if they were with Jacob) lock them in cages and terrorise them?

Why did the Island flash in time?

What was the light about?

Who put it there?

What caused the healing properties?

Why did Ben not remember Sayid as the man who shot him when we was a boy?

Why should we believe that the light needed to be protected when we only have the word of a mad woman to go on? She actually beat another woman to death with a stone right after she had given birth so that she could take her children and believes that all human beings are evil. Does that make her a trustworthy source?

Did Richard, Sawyer, Kate, Miles, Claire and Frank make it home and are they the new Oceanic six? I'm not interested in them all meeting up again in the afterlife, I want to know what happened while they were alive.

If they were all dead in the final episode then how did Jack and Juliet have a child? Can you conceive in the afterlife? Does their son exist in an alternate reality?

If they were all dead (I'm assuming that detonating the hydrogen bomb is when they all died as Miles (who can talk to the dead) said that Juliet said that "It worked" while sawyer was holding her dead body) , then how did they interact in the world with all the other people? Ben for example taught at a school and had a bond with his pupil (daughter) Alex? Was she dead too?

I had always assumed that Ben would be exonerated somehow for all his heinous crimes - all the lies, killing Locke (more than once), not allowing anyone to leave the Island, allowing his daughter to be killed - but no! All we see is a half hearted apology to a dead Locke outside the church and he also got to be Hurley's no. 2 on the Island. Did he deserve that honour? It's surely not right to love an island more than your own daughter even if your daughter is only a child that you kidnapped as a baby.

I am just so disappointed with the ending so I decided to come up with my own alternative ending. I came up with this in five minutes while washing the kitchen floor so Hollywood executives - take note!

Okay - so the Island is actually a comet that crashed on Earth before humans existed. It came from a planet that was home to an advanced alien species that exploded millions of years ago (You might see that I have taken my inspiration from old Superman comics). The light of the Island is the core of that comet. The comet contained molecules of alien DNA cells that fused with existing DNA cells on Earth and that was the missing link that caused apes to evolve into Humans. The woman who raised Jacob and the man in black is sort of a memory of the ancient planet and is in a sense our Eve.

The humans eventually left the Island and started to populate the world but Eve was upset with how the DNA of an advanced civilised race had evolved into humans who she saw as weak, cruel, greedy and selfish. However, she still saw us as her 'children' in a sense and so felt a duty to protect us. She raised Jacob and man in black as her own children to see if any of the original goodness in her species still existed and in an attempt to eradicate the natural badness that she saw in humans and to entust them with the secets of the Island.

The core of the comet is the light and it is that which makes the entire world suitable for us to live in (chemical compounds etc.). Without the Island, this world would not be habitable for Humans. Being close to it can regenerate damaged cells and induce miracle healing properties as we saw in the case of Rose being cured from Cancer and Ben being cured after being shot by Sayid. No-one is allowed to leave the Island because if they tell the rest of the world, the Island could be destroyed by masses of people coming from everywhere looking for miracle cures or to attempt to experience ever lasting life. This happened once before and the Island evolved to be able to move itself so as to protect itself from future invaders.

Women on the Island could not carry children to term as the properties that were healing to adults were poisonousness to unborn children whose DNA was still only forming and this created a sort of feedback that killed the mothers. It was not a problem in the beginning but Human DNA had advanced so far beyond what it once was that it had now become a deadly problem. It was a contributory factor towards people leaving the Island in the first place. They kidnapped all of the children and babies in an attempt to study the DNA of humans in childhood to see if they could solve this problem.

Total exposure to the light would kill you except for Desmond who had been exposed to it for so long in the hatch that he had developed an immunity to it. This discovery could have been developed into a story line to help all the unborn babies and their mothers to survive.

Richard had been told all of this by Jacob and had shared the information with 'the others' (Jacob didn't share the same mistrust of humans that his mother 'Eve' did) and they too, armed with this knowledge, had sworn to protect the Island. They tested the plane crash survivors in an attempt to discover who could be trusted to protect the secrets of the Island. If you were found unworthy you were killed as they could not risk you leaving the Island and bringing others back.

The black smoke monster could not kill candidates but could kill other survivors if he wanted to but he mainly chose victims from people that he did not believe that he could manipulate (like he had with Ben who was never a candidate despite wanting to be one so badly).

At one stage they harboured notions of 'taming' the core of the Island and using it's healing and mystical properties to benefit all of mankind and so allowed the Dharma initiative to conduct their studies and experiments. However, Dr. Chang was becoming more and more obsessed with the light and the power it could bring to him. His unnecessary experiments and construction of "The swan" had violated the truce that the Dharma initiative had had with 'the others'. After the explosion in the hatch (which could have potentially destroyed the whole planet) 'the others' felt that the only way to contain the damage was to purge the Island of every single intruder and they agreed that from now on their only job was to protect the light and not use it for their own benefits any longer. It was the only way to truly protect all of mankind.

The flashes through time happened when the core had been shifted due to Ben turning the wheel and it created mini worm holes in time that only The Island was able to pass through. This is a genuine theory by Stephen Hawkins and if developed, could have been the most realistic story line of all.

The few survivors Jack, Hurley, Kate, Frank, Miles, Sawyer and Claire discover the truth by unplugging the light and the world nearly coming to an end and Ben finally tell them the truth (Ben knows more than most due to his own recovery made as a child after his gun shot wound was healed) so they plug it back in and now they become 'the others'. The black smoke never escapes the Island as he discovers that he is in a sense 'the waste product of the light' and cannot survive without it. When the light starts to go out so does he but he is restored when the light is plugged back in. He remains on the Island but still harbours plans to escape it one day and sees Jack as his main threat and rival and vows to find a a way to kill him too.

The story ends with them all sitting around playing a game of cards when they hear a crashing sound and they run outside just in time to see another plane crashing. Jack orders Sawyer quickly to go get the names of survivors and start making up a list. He then contacts the smoke monster to inform him of the arrival of the new candidates. And so the whole story begins again......

Oh yeah - and in my story, no-one meets up in the after life! The whole heart of the story is trying to avoid death for themselves and everyone in the whole world- not to be better off dead.

That's all I've come up with so far and while it might not be brilliant, it sure as hell beats what Damon Lindelof and Jeffrey Lieber and JJ Abrahams came up with.

Watch out people - there's a new playwright in town!


  1. This is amazing! It makes much more sense than the drivel I watched last night.

  2. I agree while I did like the way it ended, it left an awful lot of now pointless stories unfinished..... Also you could tie your sory in with Walts comic books as they had something to do with aliens and they also led us to believe that they had something to do with the island didnt they with the polar bears ?

  3. So true Johanna! We need to get together and start our own Lost...

  4. Bravo, Bravo!!!!! I'm going to believe that thats how it actua;;y ended, I must say ms corrigan I'm VERY impressed - and the oscar goes to......you!!!!

  5. I have to admire your patience to sit through 6 years of frustrating episodes that all ends in a copy of "Dallas", where Bobby dying was all a dream. I never watched it and looks like that was a good choice. seems like your endings at least make sense, you should send your blog to the writers! Have you seen the movie Julie and Julia? There can be power in a blog!

  6. Here is another ending which still wouldn't have answered any questions but still would have been better than the afterlife tripe! How about the show ended with Juliet detonating the hydrogen bomb and the next shot is of them all in the plane making eye contact with each other as if they remember each other but not quite sure from where and then the plane lands. No questions answered but a decentish ending at least.

  7. How aboout the bomb explodes and they end up in an episode of Fair City with Leo as the Black Smoke.

    Or they all get on that plane but have to return to the island because of volcanic ash

    Like your ending better though Rachael


  8. Hi there, as I mentioned over on Her.ie, most of your questions were answered in the show..

    1. "Why did 'the others' kidnap all the children from the plane?"
    The Others took the children under the order of Ben who was apparently being given orders by Jacob. We found out that this wasn't true: Ben was acting on his own. He had a few reasons for ordering the Others to take the kids, the main one being to ensure there would be more Others to stay on the island seeing as children couldn't be born.

    2. "Why did they try to take Claire's baby before it was even born?"
    Claire was taken so that Ethan could administer a serum that Juliet made which would allow Claire to carry to term & deliver Aaron safely while on the island.

    3. "Why did they kidnap Dannielle's baby for Ben to raise but leave Dannielle alive?"
    Ben was sent to kill Rousseau under Widmore's orders. When he arrived at her tent he found that she had given birth to Alex. Given what Ben had gone through as a kid he decided that instead of killing both mother & baby, he would take the baby & warn Rousseau to stay away from the Others. Ben ended up raising Alex as his own daughter as he refused to kill her when told to by Widmore.

    4. "Why did women who were pregnant on the Island all die in their second trimester and did they think that not being able to have their own children justified stealing other peoples and if that was the case then did that make 'the others' good or bad?" http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Pregnancies

    5. "Why did Ben and 'the others' gas everyone in the Dharma initiative to death"
    For many years there were "disagreements" between the Others (The Hostiles) & DHARMA. Eventually, Charles Widmore, ordered that the Others use the Initiative's Tempest station to release poison gas to kill its members, this was called The Purge. Ben was involved as he wanted to leave DHARMA & become a part of the Others. He had to take this drastic step to show he was serious about wanting to be with them.

    6. "The people from Oceanic 815 were all candidates so why did 'the others' (if they were with Jacob) lock them in cages and terrorise them?"
    The whole candidates thing hadn't been written into the story at this point. Eitherway,he was acting on his own. Jack, Hurley, Sawyer and Kate were chosen for a specific reason. Hurley was taken but release because they knew he would tell the rest of the survivors to stay away. Kate was chosen so that when Sawyer was threatened she would beg Jack to perform the surgery on Ben so that they would spare Sawyer's life.

    8, 9 and 10 "Why did the Island flash in time? What was the light about? Who put it there?"
    See here: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Frozen_wheel

    11. "What caused the healing properties?"
    See here: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Healing_properties

    12. "Why did Ben not remember Sayid as the man who shot him when we was a boy?"
    Because when Kate & Sawyer handed child Ben over to Alpert to heal him, Richard said: "If I take him, he won't ever be the same again. He'll forget this happened..."

    Have to split this up!

  9. 13. "Why should we believe that the light needed to be protected when we only have the word of a mad woman to go on?..."
    We assume this knowledge was passed down to her by whomever came before her. She killed Claudia & took the twins so that she would have someone to pass the knowledge onto & to have one of them to protect the "light" when she was no longer able to.

    14. "Did Richard, Sawyer, Kate, Miles, Claire and Frank make it home and are they the new Oceanic six? I'm not interested in them all meeting up again in the afterlife, I want to know what happened while they were alive."

    No, they're not the Oceanic Six. You'll have to leave it up to your imagination what happened once they arrived home. I assume you didn't see the epilogue "The Man In Charge", YouTube it. It answers a few questions and shows a bit of what happened with Ben and Hurley after the finale aswell as another character. I won't spoil it on you.

    15. "If they were all dead in the final episode then how did Jack and Juliet have a child? Can you conceive in the afterlife? Does their son exist in an alternate reality?"
    As Locke says to Jack "You don't have a son". His role was to act as a method for Jack to come to terms with the poor relationship he had with his own father & to repair it by saying all the things to David that Jack felt his own father should have told him when he was alive.

    16. "If they were all dead (I'm assuming that detonating the hydrogen bomb is when they all died as Miles (who can talk to the dead) said that Juliet said that "It worked" while sawyer was holding her dead body).

    No, they didn't die when the hydrogen bomb detonated. Everything that happened on the island from beginning to end was real. When Juliet said "It worked" she was kind of between life & death and was able to glimpse into this place where they would all reunite one day.
    Have a read here: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Flash_sideways

    17. "I had always assumed that Ben would be exonerated somehow for all his heinous crimes ..."
    Exonerated means to be cleared of crimes. I think you meant you assumed he would be punished? Well he had to live with everything he had done. The flash-sideways in season six was a way for him to come to terms with it all and work through the issues which is why he remained outside the church as he still had issues to resolve.

    Do have a good browse through Lostpedia, a lot of great information there.

  10. Seriously, waaay too much time on your hands their nicole, and quite a few references to lostpedia in place of your own answers. I'm even willing to bet you can point out every single continuity problem, wardrobe malfunction and incorrect terminology used throughout the whole series. You could probably do with wiping that smug "I'm so superior to you" smile off your face and do your own research rather than quote lostpedia, or worse still, merely paste a link to it :)

  11. Oh and Flowery's girl, well written! I much prefer your ending. Definitely makes more sense than the tripe the writers gave us!!

  12. Lovely attitude there Anonymous. It's easy to be nasty over the internet, isn't it? Unfortunately, for you to insult me I'd have to actually care about your opinion, but thankfully I don't. I referenced Lostpedia because it's a very useful site for people who missed out on a few things and it saved me time rather than typing more than I already did.

    1. And to correct you, I never once quoted Lostpedia, I referenced it as some of the questions that FG raised have complex answers which are laid out nicely over on Lostpedia. And suggesting I do my own research is quite silly, did you even bother to read what I posted? You don't even know me so all I can do is have a giggle at that!

  13. for someone who doesnt care about my opinion, you sure have a lot of bs to say! off you go back to your sad little life of watching tv series after tv series, analysing every little detail just so you can look superior to your mates down the pub. if you have any mates that is, coz your attitude is deplorable. good bye Nicole, I shall not be entertaining you any longer because unlike you, I actually have a life :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Oh no, don't go, what will I do without your hilariously inaccurate statements about me and baffling use of smiley faces?!?


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